Maryland Wedding Philippi | Jin & Joseph
- June 23rd, 2015
- Posted in Wedding
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Jin and Joseph’s wedding is one that will definitely be remembered. It was the first outdoor wedding at the Church of Philippi. Being a member of this church for many years and also having shot other weddings here as well, I’ve seen this church on a weekly basis. But seeing it set up for an outdoor event was something very new and spontaneous for the church. Everything was perfect…until it started to rain. It started out as a light drizzle and then quickly changed into a thrashing storm. The remainder of the ceremony had to be moved inside but we were fortunate enough to be able to capture some of the ceremony outdoors. The vast amount of umbrellas adds a unique touch to the wedding. We used the umbrellas and the rain to create some fun portraits as well. Congratulations Jin and Joseph! We are glad that we were able to be a part of this experience!
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