My oh my where has the time gone? Ever since baby Leo has arrived, our lives seemed to have taken a whirlwind! We’ll tell you more about it in our next Manic Musings post! Time has flown so quickly and we are in need of some serious blog catch up. You’ll be seeing a lot of outpour from our blog in the next few weeks. We try to stay as current as possible on our blog but at the same time there’s some shoots and weddings that are just too beautiful not to post!
That said, here is one of the engagement sessions that we’ve done in the last few months that is just gorgeous. What’s special about this engagement is that we’ve known the groom-to-be for quite a long time. And we were so excited to hear that he was engaged and couldn’t be more thrilled to be his photographer! Sohee and Youngjin requested for a location that hasn’t been used yet for our sessions. They wanted something different. So we chose Bishop’s Garden at the National Cathedral and my goodness, it is like a dream there. We were also able to use the outdoor premises of the cathedral also with it’s stunning arches and historic architectural details. Sohee and Youngjin were amazing during the session and there were smiles everywhere from ear to ear.

25 Apr 2019
Such a good looking couple, and handsome photos!! 😀
Thanks Tina! You did beautiful work!